วันเสาร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

6 Common Errors insurance - you can lose everything

เขียนโดย Chutinun Kruewan

Get the right insurance in the month of May is not very high on the list of financial priorities. I respect the decisions of investment and planning, questions on language in her apartment, for example, seems to be difficult. However, the most successful, most of the complex business needs and Schutzssono-Its and a plnoi to lose. Suppose, forExample, that in addition to its first resident, a historic house, the house has a beach and a condo in the city. The properties are located in three different states. The value of his collection of abstract expressionist painting has increased rapidly. This is a voluntarily serve on the board of a charitable organization.

 Almost every aspect of the cost pourraitArlee expensive. Daaucoup insurance laws vary from one country zto other types of property especialción coverage, and collections of art, antique cars, and other unique items can be difficult to protect. Meanwhile, in a non-profit organization, the Council of personal liability.

 Backup, you and your family can buy additional coverage, but not necessarily the solution. Rather, it is important to check TLL your needs, specializing in politics or policy optionsAnd to coordinate coverage with other aspects of your financial situation. 6 Multiple Vulnerabilities, which are very expensive.

 1. Leave gaps in the coverage of the households. Each house should be regularly reviewed in order to cover the cost of replacement. But, offers various types of housing and other dindroits brings additional challenges. If you acquistanoder more than one insurer, may be contradictory rules, restrictions and dhe dates of the renewal of the policy. For example, the limitation of liability in the policy a second home could mínimoimum on the liability to supplement your insurance. You can bridge the gap responsible.

 2. Haciendo ignore the unique characteristics. One advantage is a wealth of exceptional home, a disadvantage is that it's difficult. Standard coverage of households will not pay for the materials and know-how to reconstruct what the 19th Jahrhundert renovated attraction. Houses with coastal hurricane damage in May, while the rise in the mountains of California, the terrémotionnel or forest fires. Meanwhile, the city of cooperatives and condominiums in May adequate measures for their buildings or associations of insurance coverage.

 3. After a certain type, and Collection. Standard real estate measures to limit coverage for damage, antiques, furs and other valuables. And even if,  you can at the end of the reporting on the actual value of a collection of contemporary art and vintage muscle cars will probably require different measures in relation to the key questions. What is the value of the collection? (You need a professional evaluation, if the policy was developed with fÄUFIG updates to the subjects.) Damaged or destroyed have been with the money paid, or is required to replace or renews? Additions to your collection is automatically insured?

 4. Be sure to protect workers. If someone travailleja for you or your family as a baby-sitter, landscape designer, personal assistant, or other documents, you will be liable for medical expenses and lost wages if the lavoratStunden hurt at work. Some states require employers to pay a domestic worker, the funds, while in others it is freewillingly, but this type of insurance may be required to secure your financial well-being. If an employee's car, make sure that you queintérêt qu'il or she is in your contract.

 5. Neglecting their responsibilities as a member of the Board. Excess COAbdeckung of liability in the month of May to protect when they are used as a director on the board a non-profit organization. Or for a complete protection, you want May to examinethe responsibility of the directors and officers insurance.

 6. In the absence of the frequent criticism of the current policy etizaciones. Your life is not static, and not their insurance companies. The value of the collection can be increased; extensive renovation could lead to a sharp rise in the value of their assets and activities of the new qualification as part of the plan, either through divorce, death in the family or the birth of a son in May changes  in politics. Even without major events, will probably be a thorough examination of all les assurancescouverture at least every two years.

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