วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Are You Going to Finance Your Business Purchase?

เขียนโดย Chutinun Kruewan

When considering the purchase of an existing business (going concern), one of the first and most important tasks you need to do is seek qualified professional advice on the best possible financing to arrange. Do not waste your own time, struggling to make correctly the figures, which from what you may not even be classified with a credit criteria. There are many places to go for free, independent advice and / or alternatively, you can choose to receive the know-how to win atProfessionals associated with one or other of the banks.

While your bank may have been adequately, if the design of your home loan, they may not have the necessary expertise required to finance a business purchase. Choose a specialist who not only about the structuring packages for corporate acquisitions, but also in a position to provide back-up support, which will be of fundamental importance to every aspect of your company is knowledgeable about their worklifecycle.

Businesses go through cycles - quarterly, yearly, seasonal - these cycles may be short or long. The package you choose needs to provide for these cycles and more. It is desirable that the finance package presented combines flexibility with certainty. Certainty will help with your cashflow projections; knowing what your repayments will be month to month allows you to budget. Words of caution however, do choose wisely. For example, should interest rates decrease, it would To break certainly be of benefit to you in a position to be punished by a term loan with no early repayment costs through draconian.

A progressive financial institution acknowledges that what is good for your business, be good for their business. Consequently, they will be willing to give you the combination of flexibility and security that makes good business sense.

When calculating how much you need for your purchase, do not be too conservative andLending only to the original purchase price - go for more. One of the reasons for a universal business is doomed to failure because of under-capitalization, which due to insufficient cash flow. Even if you do not require immediate access to these additional resources, your company will benefit from more long term with an adequate buffer between you and potential emergencies, breakdowns, or fluctuations in the economy. This is not, you are sure is playing a dangerous game balancing.

We all knowwith real estate as collateral for a loan, the same can with some of the other tangible and intangible assets of the company are carried out. Allocate funding through use against these assets. An experienced professional will provide recommendations on what is feasible and how best to achieve your goals. Using other people's money to fund growth, you can your existing cash flow to remain high.

Imagine what you would like to make it a financial package and then have theLenders to show how they are willing to earn your business. Maintain control over the entire process and always remember, you are the customer and the banks want your business.

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